Wipe your hearing aids each day with a dry lint free cloth. Avoid using water or soap on your hearing aids.
Do not allow your hearing aids to sit in the cold, or in a very warm location. It can damage the battery.
Check for loose components, cracked plastic casings, or missing parts.
Your hearing aids are tough, but handle them carefully over hard surfaces
Your hearing aid may play some warning chimes or beeps to indicate the need for service.
Your hearing aid has tiny filters to protect the components for wax. These can get clogged with wax.
Our clinical support team are fully trained at cleaning and basic hearing aid troubleshooting. No appointment is required. We can clean most hearing aids, regardless of where you purchased them, at no charge.
If your hearing aids require further diagnostics, an appointment may be offered with one of our qualified audiologists or hearing aid specialists.
We can access warranty services for most hearing aid manufacturers. You'll be hearing better sooner with Audiology First.