Originally from India, I joined Audiology First in July 2023 as a Supervisee Audiologist. I hold a four-year Bachelor of Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology from Kerala University of Health Sciences, Kerala, India. I have the experience of working as a clinical audiologist in an ENT clinic in Kerala for three years, before I migrated to Canada, as a permanent resident in 2019 with my family. After completing the supervised practice required by the Alberta College of Audiologists and Speech-Language Pathologists (ACSLPA) under the supervision of Glenn Hole, I am now a registered member of ACSLPA. I joined the team as a permanent full-time clinician in November 2023.
My experience at Audiology First has been so enriching and fulfilling as I pride in the fact that the clinic strives hard to provide its patients with the best possible and evidence-based intervention strategies. Be it obtaining a detailed case history or comprehensive hearing assessments, hearing aid fittings and follow-up appointments or cerumen management (that’s wax removal!) we make sure that the patients leave feeling more confident, listened to and with more knowledge about their hearing loss or hearing aids.
I believe that effective communication is essential for a fulfilling life, and I strive to empower my patients by providing personalized care and support.
In my area of practice, I focus on understanding each patient’s unique needs and lifestyle. Whether it’s fitting hearing aids, offering rehabilitation strategies, or providing education on hearing health, my goal is to ensure that every patient can engage fully with the world around them.
I’m excited to work with you and help you achieve the best possible hearing outcomes!
Getting good outcomes with that hearing aid depends on careful planning, follow up and collaboration between myself and you as my patient. Here’s how we get those best outcomes together at Audiology First.
Here at Audiology First, we provide two initial follow-up appointments during your trial period with a new hearing aid. Here’s what to expect:
Don't worry if you don't everything about your new hearing aids from that fitting appointment. You will have questions that we will want to answer. You will need additional follow-up appointments as well to make sure you are adapting well to using your new hearing technology. That way, we can take care of questions even if they arise in the future.
Check comfort and fit: Determining a good fit can sometimes take several visits. A good fit means you can put your devices in your ears and forget about them, rather than have them bother you throughout the day because they feel funny. For example, in some cases, the standard domes may not be comfortable, or they may not fit properly in a narrow ear canal. Then we must try a custom ear mold in its place which will help with better retention of the hearing aids.
I may have finely tuned the aid at the fitting appointment, but now I want to listen to you, and get your perspective on how it feels to use the hearing aid in the real world. I will take time to adjust the sound quality based on your experience, preference and feedback. We will work together on this.
We will discuss any issues or concerns you've experienced so far. Just like professional hearing aid fittings, follow-up visits with an audiologist can make all the difference in fixing problems, addressing concerns and adjusting to life with hearing aids. It just takes time to learn what you need us to adjust as you experience life with improved hearing.
After your first follow up, you are then usually sent from the clinic to continue developing your skills and adapting to the hearing aid for another two weeks or so. Everyone adapts at different rates, so even if it takes a little longer in your specific case, that is fine.
By now most of my patients are well aquainted with their hearing aids, but ay still have some lingering questions on how to use them. Some patients need a little bit of extra time to adapt. The second follow up is not always the final one! At this appointment I may perform further fine tuning based on your needs and set an appointment for further adjustments if you or I feel like you need more time to get used to them.
At this appointment I might perform functional testing with your hearing aids in to see how well you can hear compared to not wearing them. We may also add additional programs to suit different lifestyle needs that you might have. For example some people are involved in music and prefer to use a dedicated music listening program for that. Add audiology first we are open to listening to your suggestions on what you need and see if we are able to provide settings for you.
At this appointment I might perform aided testing with your hearing aids in to see how well you can hear compared to not wearing them. I might address other difficulties like not being able to put in the hearing aid very well or having comfort issues that have been ongoing since the follow up. We will address these issues and ensure that you have enough time to understand whether or not the hearing aids are comfortable. We want them to be working well enough for you before you choose to purchase them.
If you have decided to purchase the hearing aids and to move forward with our services at the clinic, we will ask you to sign any paperwork that relates to your hearing aid benefits. You will then purchase the hearing aids by paying any outstanding balance with the client care team at the front desk. We are only ready to receive payment from you, once you know you wish to keep the hearing aids!
I will provide you with guidance on any general long term maintenance of the hearing aids. I will discuss cleaning, when to bring them in for servicing, and any future follow up appointments that we might be needing. We may contact you according to a schedule required by your insurance or healthcare coverage. Check your mail or email inbox for emails from us!
Hearing aids require maintainence and expert servicing to keep them running. Here are my tips on keeping you hearing aids in the best condition, and as sharp as the day you got them!
I hope this was informative, and I look forward to helping you or your family members hear better!
Shibna Kunhimon
Registered Audiologist