Ear Protection
Protecting your hearing is incredibly important, no matter your age. Consistently listening to loud music, being around noisy machinery, using firearms or being rough with your ears will lead to damaged hearing. So, how do you protect your ears against this?
When Listening to Music
Whether you are listening to music with your headphones, in your car, or at a concert, it is so important to protect your ears. Keep the volume to a comfortably low level. If you are at a concert, bring protective hearing devices such as earplugs or ear muffs.
Why is it that we protect our children’s ears when we go to a movie or a concert, but we don’t regard our own? Everyone’s hearing is important. If you are proactive about avoiding hearing damage, then you may not need to worry about using hearing aids in the future.
Working Around Loud Machinery
If you are in a workplace surrounded by loud machinery, we’re sure you have heard the safety regulations: wear protective ear plugs or ear muffs. It is also important to remember to protect your hearing at home if you are working on construction projects or with machinery. No matter where you are, protect your ears!
How to Protect Your Ears
There are a few things you may use to protect your ears:
Ear Plugs:
these can be generic foam or plastic ear plugs you buy from any hardware store. Make sure you follow the instructions and insert them correctly into your ears.
Custom-fit Ear Plugs:
this is a more expensive option, but having custom-fit ear plugs shaped to the exact fit of your ear will do a fantastic job at protecting your hearing. If you are constantly around loud noises, we strongly suggest this option.
Noise Cancelling Ear Muffs:
while these are more bulky than normal ear plugs, they do the trick! Make sure you test them and that they are approved for the noise source, before using them around damaging noises. Ensure you follow the manufacturer’s recommendations.
Musician Earmolds:
Custom musician earmolds are used when musicians practice and perform in a variety of different settings and they are exposed to high levels of sound for long periods of time. Custom musician earmolds can also be used by fans to protect their hearing while enjoying concerts.
Be proactive when it comes to your hearing. Protect your ears!